Fleur Bath: Full Moon in Taurus (November 11/12th)
INTENTION: Relax, Nourish, Pleasure, Calm the Nervous System
HERBALS: Rose, Holy Basil, Lavender
OIL: Rose, Vetiver, Clary Sage, Lavender
STONES: Bloodstone, Jade, Quartz, Rose Quartz
TO BEGIN: Gather ingredients. Cleanse the subtle body + space with a cleansing herb or essential oil spray. Draw the bath and put in the flowers, plus a couple of drops of oil. Place the stones around the edge. Before you enter the tub, say a prayer for the water, the plants, + the stones. In turn, and ask them to support you in journeying.
JOURNEY: What is your relationship with pleasure? Do you allow yourself pleasure? Do you wait for it, or do you seek it? Do you find yourself attached to the seeking of it? Are you afraid of it? When energies get intense, we can have a habit of going on autopilot, of tuning-out, shutting down, and de-sensitizing. But this habitual contraction does not serve us well in the end. By taking the time to nourish yourself, your nervous system can remain relaxed. This enables you to live from the heart, flowing, open, expanded, and in communion with the present moment.
When habits of closure go on too long, we can lose touch with pleasure. Reconnecting with bodily pleasure relaxes the whole being and reconnects us with the vitality of life.
Spend a few moments in inquiry about your relationship to pleasure. And then let yourself experience it. How does the water feel touching your skin? How do you experience the temperature? Do the smells of the oils bring you joy? Do the flowers bring you delight? Can you massage yourself, let the tension go out of the body? Can you touch yourself in other ways that feel good? Can you breathe deeply into the belly? Can you breathe in a way that feels pleasurable? Explore sensation and pleasure on your own.
TO END: When you’re done with the bath, thank your aids - physical, elemental, and spiritual. It's a good night for a full moon dance. Pick a few songs that bring you joy. Offer movement as a gift of pleasure to your body.