UN-BECOMING: The Heart of Holy Darkness Online Immersion with Jessica Hesser 

*Live classes have ended. You may purchase the recorded course HERE.*

Uncertainty, doubt, confusion, loneliness, pain, grief, illness, loss, fear -- these are all doorways to the Divine, sacred thresholds through which we meet the soul, naked of pretense.

UN-BECOMING: The Heart of Holy Darkness, an online immersion, invites you into the depths of your own experience. 

Here our brokenness becomes the offering. Here we meet fundamental reality, stripped of our projections and manipulations.

Our culture does not train us in how to sit in the dark, how to let go, how to let things die. Instead, we're taught neurotic and perpetual forward movement, an obsessive clinging to the light. We're taught to fear the dark, the stillness, the silence.

We're taught that we must always be wanting and becoming more and more and more. Even much of our spiritual practice attempts to deny the holiness of our experience, coaxing us to be "more spiritual".

This cuts us off from the spiritual heart. It leaves us anxious, exhausted, numbed-out, and superficial.

What would it be like to become LESS? To drop our need for more or better? To meet the moment in full surrender to what is?

Here is the door to God.

We come home to our humanness. We learn to see the sacred seed in the dark body of flesh and experience. We turn back towards all that we have abandoned.

UN-BECOMING offers both structural guidance through meditations, breathwork, dharma talk, writing exploration, rituals, and extends a virtual hand to hold should you need it. 

In this live online immersion, you will have time to engage directly with me for questions and support.

“I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.” -- T.S. Eliot


  • Weekly lecture/dharma talk + practice 
  • Weekly breathwork sessions
  • Movement practices
  • Yogic practice
  • Guided meditations
  • Guided journeying
  • Death ritual 
  • Writing prompts
  • Sacred poetry 
  • Releasing identification with the mind
  • Seeing from the heart/knowing from the belly 
  • Fire as transformation 
  • Reclaiming the feminine in Spirituality 
  • Rituals for clearing 
  • Somatic awareness and embodiment practices 
  • Teachings on the subtle body 
  • Curated playlist 
  • Weekly assignments for depth and integration 


  • Program is 4 weeks long/ 8 online classes
  • All classes are recorded if you can't make the live class
  • Recorded sessions will be sent to you via email
  • Online classes meet via Zoom 
  • 1 x class/lecture per week approx. 90 min
  • 1 x breathwork session per week approx. 60 min
  • All course content is yours to keep and use forever


*Live classes have ended. You may purchase the recorded course HERE.*


"Grateful beyond words. What an amazing course! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Jessica." - Kate 

"Sometimes it is hard to step into a commitment via online channels. However I did trust my instincts and it was the best decision ever to take your course. I think for me the most valuable part has been realizing the importance of trusting your body instead of being scared of it; and knowing that your body is wise enough to fix itself if you give it the right space. I cannot thank you enough for breaking this barrier between me and my body (although we are one)." - Cansu

"Thank YOU so much Jessica! This class was so wonderful, and even though I didn’t get to attend live, I got so much out of it... I truly believe that this work is what we need, slowing down, connecting with the body and the breath... Much love, and I am forever grateful to you because you have opened my eyes to healing in a beautiful way." - Angela

"Wow- an amazing breath work session today 🙌🏼 I feel like a new door is opening in my life, in my body, and for my self with this work. I’m excited and am blessed with these new practices and all this new information! The unlocking of a doorway to a new experience." - Christy 

"[Jessica] is a devoted, visionary teacher. She is very responsive, encouraging and supportive throughout the experience. Connection with Sangha has been generously felt with face time opportunities and active, honest sharing in the online forum. Thank you for this deeply supportive offering." - Shawn-Marie  

Read more Testimonials HERE. 


Questions? Email us at hello@jessicahesser.com

*Live classes have ended. You may purchase the recorded course HERE.